Evergrande Complications
January 31, 2024
This week, Above the Line takes a closer look at the collapse of the Chinese real estate giant Evergrande and the long term implications. We also witness the further reshaping of America's office towers and the emergence of a new, potentially prominent trade group for realtors to rival the National Association of Realtors.
Let's dive in.
Evergrande's Final Collapse: Setting an Important Precedent
A look into Evergrande's collapse and its failure to restructure or receive a bailout. The conclusion of the 19-month process could have far-reaching consequences in the real estate market, setting important precedents for global investors and markets.
The Downturn Comes for America's Premier Office Towers
Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal reports on the downturn affecting America's top-tier office spaces, which are burdened with high development costs and are facing diminishing relevance in the era of hybrid work.
Mauricio Umansky Discusses His New NAR Alternative
HousingWire speaks with Mauricio Umansky on his new trade group, AREA, as a potential alternative to the long-running, but presently beleaguered National Association of Realtors.
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